Radio Newsline Archive
Scheduled for April - Ag Trade Mission to the Netherlands
00:01:00.212 2023-01-13USDA officials will lead a Springtime agricultural trade mission focused on the Netherlands and parts of Europe. (Rod Bain and Ryan Brewster of the Foreign Agricultural Service)
Actuality: USDA Ag Trade Mission to the Netherlands
00:00:54.439 2023-01-13Ryan Brewster of the Foreign Agricultural Service provides details about USDA's scheduled agricultural trade mission to the Netherlands later this Spring.
Tornadoes Touch Down in the Southeast
00:00:59.533 2023-01-13Over a dozen tornados were reported late Thursday-early Friday in parts of the Southeast, causing severe damage and loss of life. (Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)
Forecasting 2023 from 2022 Billon Dollar Disaster Trends?
00:01:00.212 2023-01-13What were some of the weather events last year that resulted in at least one billion dollars in damage, and what might that mean regarding potential severe weather this year? (Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)
Smaller U.S. Rice Crop Could Have Two Repercussions for the Rice Market
00:01:00.316 2023-01-13Smaller than expected U.S. rice crop may result in smaller than expected rice exports. (Gary Crawford and Mark Jekanowski, USDA Outlook Board Chairman)
Actuality: A Look at Latest Forecasts for World Rice Supply/Demand
00:00:58.775 2023-01-13Mark Jekanowski, USDA Outlook Board Chairman, reviewing some of the new USDA forecasts for the global rice market.
Soybean Export Prospects Being Diminished by Three Forces
00:01:00.055 2023-01-13U.S. soybean exporters have three factors working against them right now. (Gary Crawford and Mark Jekanowski, USDA Outlook Board Chairman)
Two Trends Combining to Push Cotton Price Prospects Down
00:01:00.029 2023-01-13Two trends in the cotton market are combining to push cotton price prospects downward. (Gary Crawford and Mark Jekanowski, USDA Outlook Board Chairman)