Radio Newsline Archive
Winter Weather Outlook for Winter Wheat Growing Areas
00:00:59.585 2022-10-28What does the Climate Prediction Center say about seasonal weather in the nation's major winter wheat growing areas? (Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)
Winter Weather and Drought Concerns
00:00:59.663 2022-10-28The winter weather outlook points to extended drought conditions over parts of the country, including areas of the Mississippi River Valley. (Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)
What Reasons Do Farmers Give for Adopting Conservation Practices?
00:01:00.290 2022-10-28Why do farmers decide to adopt certain conservation practices? A USDA farmer survey is beginning to yield some clues about that. (Gary Crawford and Dan Mullarkey with the USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service)
Actuality: How the Conservation Motivations Survey Results Will Be Used
00:00:27.611 2022-10-28Dan Mullarkey with USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service, saying how the final results of USDA's conservation motivations survey will be used.
Program to Prevent Duplicate SNAP Participation
00:00:59.794 2022-10-28The National Accuracy Clearinghouse, now being implemented, is designed to prevent duplicate participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. (Rod Bain and Rebecca Piazza of the Food and Nutrition Service)
Actuality: SNAP National Accuracy Clearinghouse Sprang from a Pilot Project
00:00:59.794 2022-10-28Rebecca Piazza of the Food and Nutrition Service discusses a pilot program that evolved into the recently announced National Accuracy Clearinghouse for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
Ancient Farmers May Have Given Us Some of Our Halloween Traditions
00:01:00.316 2022-10-28Historians tell us there are ancient agricultural ties to our present day Halloween observance. (Gary Crawford and Anne Effland, USDA history researcher)
Actuality: The Origins of the Word, "Halloween"
00:00:34.821 2022-10-28Anne Effland, USDA history researcher, talks about the origins of the word, "Halloween".