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Radio Newsline Archive

Better Health Through Local and Regional Food Systems

00:00:59.533   2022-10-06   
A session at a recent White House Conference discusses the role of local and regional food systems to improve nutrition and health outcomes in communities. (Rod Bain Chuck Conner of the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives. Tara Roberts-Turner of Wisconsin Food Hub Cooperative)

Actuality: Example of Local Food System and its Benefits

00:00:35.040   2022-10-06   
Tara Roberts-Turner of Wisconsin Food Hub Cooperative explains how food box distribution to local early childhood facilities serves to boost nutrition as well as economic opportunity for area growers.

Coming Soon-- New USDA Crop Production Forecasts

00:01:00.003   2022-10-06   
USDA is currently wrapping up data collection for its upcoming new crop production estimates. (Gary Crawford and USDA Outlook Board Chairman Mark Jekanowski)

Actuality: USDA Analysts Working Now on New Crop Supply/Demand Forecasts

00:00:39.706   2022-10-06   
USDA Outlook Board Chairman Mark Jekanowski, saying that USDA market analysts are already working on what will become the new World Ag. Supply and Demand forecasts. Those will be finalized and released. along with new crop production forecasts, this Wednesday at noon, EDT.

Virtual Workshops for Updates on Two Crop Insurance Products

00:00:59.820   2022-10-06   
Updates to Whole Farm Revenue Protection and Micro Farm crop insurance leads to a series of live virtual meetings with producers and stakeholders over the next three months. (Rod Bain and Risk Management Agency Administrator Marcia Bunger)

Actuality: Whole Farm Revenue Protection and Micro Farm

00:00:47.112   2022-10-06   
Risk Management Agency Administrator Marcia Bunger explains the purpose of two federal crop insurance policies that recently underwent improvements.

Actuality: Improvements to WFRP and Micro Farm Coverage

00:01:00.212   2022-10-06   
Risk Management Agency Administrator Marcia Bunger explains recent improvements to both Whole Farm Revenue Protection and Micro Farm crop insurance coverages.