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Radio Newsline Archive

Factors Behind Yellowstone Park Flooding

00:01:00.055   2022-06-14   
What are some of the weather-related reasons behind recent flooding of the Yellowstone River and temporary closure of Yellowstone National Park? (Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)

A High-Pressure Ridge of Concern

00:01:00.107   2022-06-14   
An established dome of high pressure is causing extreme temperatures and concerns of potential impacts as it continues to strengthen and move. (Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)

High Pressure Ridge Benefits Winter Wheat Crops

00:01:00.316   2022-06-14   
Winter wheat of the Central and Southern Plains are benefiting from a ridge of strong high pressure as crops there mature and are harvested. (Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)

Actuality: High Pressure Dome and Future Ag Concerns

00:00:52.584   2022-06-14   
USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey, discusses the forecasted movements of a strong high pressure ridge, and how that might impact crop development in some parts of the country.

Actuality: High Pressure Brings Extreme Southern Plains Temperatures

00:00:58.044   2022-06-14   
USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey, looks at the triple-digit temperatures recorded in the Southern Plains the last few days caused by an established ridge of high pressure.

Actuality: Heat Concerns Pertaining to Southern Corn Crops

00:01:00.342   2022-06-14   
USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey, discusses extreme heat in much of the Southeast quadrant of the country as that region's corn crop approaches a critical phase of its development.

Actuality: Midwest Heat Relief and Heat Return

00:00:59.924   2022-06-14   
USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey, talks about a break from extreme heat in the Midwest, and when those conditions might return to the region.

Actuality: 8 to 14 Day Weather Forecast

00:01:00.003   2022-06-14   
USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey, says extreme heat, and near to below normal precipitation, will cover much of the nation for the period of June 21st to 27th.

Ukraine Corn Production Forecast and Connection to World Balance Sheet

00:01:00.473   2022-06-14   
USDA's global corn supply and demand balance sheet for June was affected by production news from Ukraine. (Rod Bain and World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Mark Jekanowski)

Actuality: Ukraine and Brazil Corn Production Forecast

00:00:39.758   2022-06-14   
World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Mark Jekanowski explains how Ukraine's corn production forecast is impacting global balance sheets, while Brazilian production could help cover lower Ukrainian corn exports.