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Radio Newsline Archive

A Drying Out of Some Midwest Fields

00:00:59.428   2022-05-18   
Warmer and drier weather in parts of the Midwest has reduced excessive topsoil moisture and improved crop planting conditions. (Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)

Slight Improvement in Pasture and Rangeland Conditions

00:00:59.454   2022-05-18   
Despite high numbers of very poor-to-poor pasture and rangeland conditions, the overall condition rating improved for a second consecutive week. (Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)

Actuality: State and Regional Topsoil Moisture Condition Ratings

00:01:00.107   2022-05-18   
USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey, looks at some of the notable state ratings in the latest topsoil moisture report for the week ending May 15th.

Actuality: Pasture and Rangeland Condition Ratings by State

00:01:00.290   2022-05-18   
USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey, talks about some of the more notable pasture and rangeland conditions ratings by state for the week ending May 15th.

Updates to Livestock Insurance Coverages

00:01:00.238   2022-05-18   
USDA recently announced updates to three livestock insurance products designed to give producers greater flexibilities. (Rod Bain and Risk Management Agency Deputy Administrator Richard Flournoy)

Actuality: Updates to Livestock Insurance Products

00:00:56.633   2022-05-18   
Risk Management Agency Deputy Administrator Richard Flournoy explains recent updates to three insurance products available to livestock and dairy producers.

U.S. Milk Production Running Behind 2021 Levels, but Expansion Expected

00:00:54.569   2022-05-18   
U.S. milk production is running slightly behind last year, but may expand into 2023. (Gary Crawford and USDA Outlook Board Chairman Mark Jekanowski)

Strong Price and Production Picture for Broiler Producers

00:00:55.823   2022-05-18   
The outlook for the nation's broiler producers is what one analyst calls, "strong". (Gary Crawford and USDA Outlook Board Chairman Mark Jekanowski)

Beef Production May Fall Next Year.

00:00:59.193   2022-05-18   
U.S. beef production may decline in 2023, pushing steer prices higher. (Gary Crawford and USDA Outlook Board Chairman Mark Jekanowski)

Pork Production to Expand Next Year--Prices to Fall

00:00:56.607   2022-05-18   
Despite higher feed costs, the nation's pork producers are expected to expand output next year. (Gary Crawford and USDA Outlook Board Chairman Mark Jekanowski)