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Radio Newsline Archive

USDA to Update South American Crop Production Forecasts Very Shortly

00:00:56.372   2022-04-07   
Markets will have a better idea of South American crop production prospects in just a few hours when new USDA forecasts are released. (Gary Crawford and Mark Jekanowski, USDA Outlook Board Chairman) ***USDA releases its new supply/demand estimates Friday, April 8th, at noon, EDT***

USDA Forming an Equity Commission Subcommittee on Rural Development

00:01:00.107   2022-04-07   
USDA's Equity Commission already has a subcommittee devoted to farm programs. It's about to form another subcommittee to focus on another USDA mission area. (Gary Crawford and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack)

Grid Security for Rural Electric and Power

00:00:59.611   2022-04-07   
A grid security division within USDA Rural Development is helping rural utilities boost their security measures and keep the power on. (Rod Bain and Rural Utilities Service Administrator Chris McClean)

Continuing Efforts to Combat Plant and Animal Pests and Diseases

00:00:59.924   2022-04-07   
The work of USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service in keeping our country safe from threats to plants and animals is an ongoing affair, with innovations playing a major role. (Rod Bain and APHIS Administrator Kevin Shea)

Accomplishments of APHIS over the Last Fifty Years

00:00:59.663   2022-04-07   
What have been some of the accomplishments of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service in its fifty year effort to control plant and animal pests and disease? (Rod Bain and APHIS Administrator Kevin Shea)

While Ag. Export Values Climb, Export Volumes Are Falling

00:00:57.469   2022-04-07   
The value of U.S. agricultural exports continues to climb, but what about the actual tonnage being shipped? (Gary Crawford and Bart Kenner, USDA economist)

Value of U.S. Ethanol Exports Higher than a Year Ago

00:00:59.898   2022-04-07   
The value of U.S. ethanol exports is running well ahead of last year at this time. (Gary Crawford and Bart Kenner, USDA economist)