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Radio Newsline Archive

A Big Month for U.S. Ag. Export Sales Spurs Optimism for Year Ahead

00:00:59.376   2021-01-08   
Latest agricultural export numbers are spurring some optimism about the year ahead. (Gary Crawford and Bart Kenner, USDA economist)

2020 Was a Rollercoaster Year for U.S. Ag. Exports

00:01:00.107   2021-01-08   
When it came to U.S. agricultural exports, 2020 was a bit of a rollercoaster year. (Gary Crawford and Bart Kenner, USDA economist)

Actuality: U.S. Export/Import Values for November 2020

00:00:29.204   2021-01-08   
Bart Kenner, USDA economist, gives the U.S. agricultural export and import numbers for November, the last month for which there are official totals.

Actuality: Bulk Ag. Export Numbers for First 11 Months of 2020

00:00:38.060   2021-01-08   
Bart Kenner, USDA economist, reviewing total export sales of bulk commodities for the first eleven months of 2020.

USDA Forecast for Commodity Exports is in the Works

00:00:59.898   2021-01-08   
**Broadcasters--This story should not be run after 9am EST Tuesday, Jan. 12** What are the export prospects for various agricultural commodities? USDA will have an updated answer to that question very soon. (Gary Crawford and USDA Outlook Board Chairman Mark Jekanowski)

Coming Soon--New USDA Forecasts for South American Crop Prospects

00:00:56.502   2021-01-08   
The USDA will soon be releasing its new forecasts for South American crops and how those prospects will affect markets for U.S. crops. (Gary Crawford and USDA Outlook Board Chairman Mark Jekanowski)

Drought Coverage Continued to Expand

00:00:59.715   2021-01-08   
The amount of drought covering both the continental U.S. in general, and the West specifically, grew over the past month. (Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey)

Actuality: Commodities in Drought

00:00:59.454   2021-01-08   
USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey discusses nationwide drought coverage for specific commodities for the period ending January Fifth.

Actuality: States in Exceptional Drought

00:00:40.098   2021-01-08   
USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey reports on Western states currently experiencing the highest measure of drought as of January 5th.

2020 Ranked High Up on the List of Warm Years

00:00:59.742   2021-01-08   
How did 2020 rank on the list of warmest years? The official numbers have just been released. (Gary Crawford and Brad Rippey, USDA meteorologist)