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Radio Features Archive

Preventing Stress from Turning the Holidays into a Mess

Are you stressing out this holiday season? The holidays can be stressful, but there are ways to reduce that stress level. Gary Crawford talks with an expert on this edition of Agriculture USA.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Bradley Dirks, Kansas State University Extension behavioral health specialist.

A Quiet 2023 U.S. Wildfire Season?

As 2023 nears its completion, how does this year’s wildfire season to date compare to previous years regarding acreage burned? Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey

Tales of the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree

A holiday time story unfolded recently as what is dubbed “The People’s Tree” was lit in the Nation’s Capital. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: U.S. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA). Ethan Reese. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. U.S. Forest Service Chief Randy Moore. Director of the U.S. Capitol Grounds Jim Kaufman.

Running the Holiday Food Marathon

Most marathon runners lose weight in the process, but the holiday food marathon can do the opposite. Gary Crawford has the story.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford...and his stomach. Sharolyn Jackson, Kansas State University Extension.

The Real Christmas Tree Supply/Price Situation

If you are still hunting for that perfect real Christmas tree, what can you expect to find in terms of supply and price. Gary Crawford has more.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Tim O'Connor, Executive Director of the National Christmas Tree Association

Keeping that Real Christmas Tree in Top Shape

Want to keep that real Christmas tree fresh all through the holiday season? Gary Crawford ha advice from an expert.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and tree expert, Josh. (Last name withheld by request)

Efforts in Strengthening Supply Chain Resilience

Several sources within USDA’s Rural Development mission area are providing resources in making our nation’s supply chains more resilient. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain. President Joe Biden. Rural Business Cooperative Service Administrator Karama Neal.

Progress Report on USDA Equity and Diversity Efforts

The Agriculture Secretary recently provided an update on efforts within USDA to improve equity and diversity among its workforce and programs. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Secretary Tom Vilsack

Now Being Accepted - Funding Applications for RAPP

Eligible organizations now have until February 2nd to apply for funding from the first round of USDA's new Regional Agricultural Promotion Program. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Secretary Tom Vilsack

2023 Farm Income Forecast Raises Some Concerns for 2024

One expert says USDA's new 2023 farm income forecast raises some concerns for 2024. Gary Crawford has more.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and USDA Chief Economist Seth Meyer

USDA Releases Trade Outlook for Fiscal Year 2024

USDA is out with its new agricultural trade forecast for 2024. (Gary Crawford and USDA Chief Economist Seth Meyer)