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The Bugs of Summer

Are bugs bugging you at your cookout or picnic? So, what can we do about these annoying buggaboo? Gary Crawford has some advice from an expert on this edition of Agriculture USA.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Kait Chapman, extension insect expert at the University of Nebraska.

Focus on Food Safety

The U.S. is a partner with world organizations who are trying to boost food safety and reduce food related illnesses. Gary Crawford reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. Under Secretary of Agriculture Dr. Emilio Esteban. World Health Organization Nutrition and Food Safety Director Dr. Francesco Branca. Meredith Carothers, food safety expert with USDA's Meat and Poultry Hotline.

****Broadcasters: The USDA's Meat and Poultry Hotline number is 888-MPHOTLINE(888-674-6854) Listeners can also go online to

HAPI Happy Partner in Rural Homeownership Efforts

A South Dakota non-profit relies on partnership such as USDA Rural Development Housing Direct Loans to create home ownership opportunities. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Darin Beckius of Homes Are Possible Incorporated

Experts Get Many Quirky Questions about Food

We consumers can certainly come up with some interesting and odd questions to ask food experts. Gary Crawford has the story.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Kansas State University extension food expert, Karen Blakeslee.

When a Tick Puts the Bite on You, What Should You Do?

When a tick forms an attachment to you and puts the bite on you, what should you do about it? Gary Crawford has advice from an expert.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. University of Kentucky Professor Emeritus of Entomology Lee Townsend.

R and D on Reusable Antimicrobial Cleaning Wipe

USDA researchers are developing and testing a natural, sustainable, antimicrobial cleaning wipe. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and USDA researcher Sunghyun Nam

An Update on U.S. Agricultural Trade Trends

The gap between our falling U.S. agricultural exports and our growing imports is beginning to widen. Gary Crawford has this report.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. USDA economist, Bart Kenner. USDA Chief Economist Seth Meyer.

An Agricultural Trade Mission to Japan

Participants in a USDA trade mission to Japan are optimistic that the mission will boost U.S. exports. Gary Crawford has more.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Secretary of Agriculture for Trade Alexis Taylor.

Winter Wheat Production Forecasts Reveals Crop Concerns

USDA’s June winter wheat production forecasts indicate the impacts excessive dryness has had on crops in much of the nation’s winter wheat belt. Rod Bain report.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Lance Honig of the National Agricultural Statistics Service

Crop Acreage Reporting Deadline Coming Up

Producers need to submit their annual crop acreage reports soon to their local Farm Service Agency office, but why are they significant? Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and FSA Administrator Zach Ducheneaux

Possible to Participate to Discuss Prevented Planting Insurance Proposals

Between now and September First, there are various options available for public comment on proposals addressing aspects of federal prevented planting crop insurance coverage. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Risk Management Agency Administrator Marcia Bunger