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Radio Features Archive

A Celebration of MyPlate

USDA's symbol of nutrition guidance celebrates its tenth anniversary this year. Rod Bain looks at the past, present, and perhaps a glimpse of the future, of MyPlate in this edition of "Agriculture USA".

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain. Secretary Tom Vilsack. Deputy Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services Stacy Dean.

Investments in Building Up the Nation's Ag and Food Supply Chains

The federal government’s $4 billion dollar plus investment in creating stronger, more resilient, supply chains includes focus on the farm and food sectors. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Secretary Tom Vilsack

USDA has Money to Strengthen Supply Chains, Seeks Public Comment

USDA has announced four billion dollars to strengthen the nation's supply chains, while at the same time, it is seeking public comment on supply chain issues. Stephanie Ho has this story.

PARTICIPANTS: Stephanie Ho. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. Deputy Undersecretary Mae Wu.

Deputy Agriculture Secretary Addresses Several Newsworthy Topics

The Deputy Secretary of Agriculture addressed several newsworthy topics in a media call with the National Association of Farm Broadcasting. Stephanie Ho has the story.

PARTICIPANTS: Stephanie Ho and Deputy Agriculture Secretary Jewel Bronaugh (bruh-NAH)

Homeownership Brings More than Just Economic Benefits

During National Homeownership Month, the spotlight is on one homeowner whom USDA helped to buy a home -- which, he adds, brings more than just economic benefits. Stephanie Ho has more on the story.

PARTICIPANTS: Stephanie Ho and Tito Santiago, homeowner in Vermont

Extreme Heat--Dangerous for People and Pets

This summer has already brought record heat to many places, heat severe enough to endanger people and pets. Gary Crawford has more.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. Kurt Hammell, veterinarian with USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

The Sales Pitch for Rural Economic Investment

The Agriculture Secretary's latest opportunity to promote rural America and its opportunities for investment came before a global audience. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Secretary Tom Vilsack

China Accounts for a Big Share of U.S. Ag. Export Sales

How much of U.S. export sales are dependent on purchases by China? Gary Crawford has this report.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. USDA economist, Bart Kenner. Former Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack.

USDA June Reports and Upcoming Offerings

How might information from some of USDA's latest crop production forecasts and meat production and price outlooks lend to interest in upcoming reports throughout the next month? Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and USDA Chief Economist Seth Meyer

Brazil Brings News to June World Ag Supply and Demand Estimates

Production estimates from three major Brazilian crops were among the notable new from USDA's latest global supply and demand estimates. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain. Chief Economist Seth Meyer. World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Mark Jekanowski.

4-1-1 on 2021 FSA County Committee Elections

This year's Farm Service County Committee election cycle is underway with nominations for candidates continuing until August 2nd. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and FSA Administrator Zach Ducheneaux