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Radio Features Archive

Feral Swine in America - The Series

The growth in population of, and damage from, invasive feral swine has led to public outreach to help control this pest. That includes a recent video series produced by USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, using first-hand accounts of impacts to farm fields, infrastructure and archeological sites. Rod Bain and others cover “Feral Swine in America” in this edition of “Agriculture USA”.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain. Hank Berdine. Jeanine Neskey of USDA-APHIS. Maureen Frank of Texas A and M University. Martin Mount. Bob Brockman. Texas APHIS Wildlife Services Director Mike Bodenchuck. George Cook. Jessica Crawford of The Archeology Conservancy.

Invasive Feral Swine in America - The Series

A new video series uses personal stories to share how growing invasive feral swine populations damage agriculture, natural resources and ecosystems. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain. Hank Berdine of the Mississippi Levee Board. Jeanine Neskey of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. Jessica Crawford of the Archeology Conservancy.

Chicken Supplies are Tight and Shoppers are Seeing Higher Prices

Food shoppers are seeing significantly higher prices for chicken. What's causing it? Gary Crawford has this report.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and USDA livestock analyst, Shayle Shagam.

USDA is Inviting the Public to its First-Ever Food Loss Innovation Fair

USDA is inviting the public to its first-ever Food Loss and Waste Innovation Fair, which will be held at the end of May. Stephanie Ho has the story.

PARTICIPANTS: Stephanie Ho and Jean Buzby, USDA's Food Loss and Waste Liaison.

COVID Impacts and Continued Outreach in Rural America

Rural areas have particularly felt impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic, prompting increased education about preventative measures, including vaccinations. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain. U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack.

How to Turn those Home Grown Tomatoes into Home Groan Tomatoes

How many big mistakes can a first-time tomato grower make? One expert says, "A LOT". Gary Crawford has more.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Kansas State University Extension gardening expert, Dennis Patton. Also, Guy Clark.

Ag Damage from Feral Swine Populations

How have increasing invasive feral swine populations impacted farmers, ranchers and orchardists across the country? Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain. Jeanine Neskey of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. Ag producers Charlie Coleman, Martin Mount, and George Cook. APHIS Wildlife Services Texas Director Mike Bodenchuck.

Broilers in High Demand/Low Supply & Bringing Very High Prices

Supplies of broilers and their products are lower than a year ago. Demand is growing and prices are rising. Gary Crawford has this report.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and USDA livestock analyst, Shayle Shagam.

American Families Plan Has Tax Advantages for Most Family Farmers

The Administration is proposing some changes in tax law that could benefit most family farmers. Gary Crawford has more.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. President Joe Biden. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack.

Risk Management Program Options for Livestock and Dairy Producers

While best known for crop insurance, USDA's Risk Management Agency also offers programs designed for livestock and dairy producers. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and RMA Acting Administrator Richard Flournoy

Some Ideas to Help Keep More Dairy Farmers in Business

How can we stem the tide of dairy operation bankruptcies and keep more dairy operators on their farms? Gary Crawford has this report.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. Plus. classic comedy entertainers, Homer and Jethro