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Radio Features Archive

Ag Secretary Discusses State of the Nation's Black Farmers

Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack pledged to root out discrimination at USDA, in testimony to a House Agriculture Committee hearing on the state of the nation's Black farmers. Stephanie Ho has the story.

PARTICIPANTS: Stephanie Ho. Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack. House Ag Committee Chair David Scott. Ranking committee member Glenn Thompson.

No Place for Discrimination at USDA

The Ag Secretary makes a public pledge to root out discrimination at USDA. Stephanie Ho has the story.

PARTICIPANTS: Stephanie Ho and Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack

USDA Increases Emergency SNAP Benefits

USDA is increasing emergency benefits for the lowest-income beneficiaries of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP. Stephanie Ho reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Stephanie Ho and Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack

Expanding DamWatch Partnership and Coverage

The USDA-NRCS DamWatch web application recently added dams on U.S. Forest Service lands among those monitored for safety. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and NRCS Acting Chief Terry Cosby

A March of Tornado Activity

March 2021 will be noted as an active month regarding tornadic activity, but what does this mean compared to other years, or regarding the rest of the tornado season? Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey

How COVID Has Changed Our Attitudes and Behaviors around Food

Has the COVID pandemic changed our attitudes and behaviors around food? Consumer surveys say yes. Gary Crawford has more.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Andy Harig with the Food Marketing Institute

Connecting Rural Residents with the World Electronically & Physically

The President's jobs plan would help rural residents and farmers to better connected with the world, virtually and physically. Gary Crawford reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. President Joe Biden. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack.

The Prospective Plantings Puzzlement

Market analysts are still trying to figure out the puzzle presented by last week's USDA Prospective Plantings report. Gary Crawford has more.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. USDA Chief Economist Seth Meyer.

USDA Role in Climate Smart Ag and Forestry Advancement

What are some of the ways the Agriculture Department plans to foster climate smart agriculture and forestry per a recent Presidential executive order? Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and USDA Deputy Chief of Staff and Climate Advisory Robert Bonnie

Western Snowpack Totals and Water Outlook for 2021

How has the recently passed Western snowpack season shaped what that region's water managers and irrigator could have regarding water supplies for this Spring and Summer? Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey

Measuring Productivity by Yields - and their Costs

How can producers perhaps better measure their crop yields, and what it costs to generate those yields, to create a greater measure of productivity and profitability? Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Allan Gray of Purdue University.