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Youth in Agriculture

This website provides curated tools and resources aimed at empowering the next generation of agricultural leaders. You will find everything from tools to help teachers in the classroom to scholarship, internship, and career opportunities.

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Faces of Agriculture Speaker Series Continues on June 12, 2024 at 3 pm EDT

Sign up to see how USDA employees Michele Schommer and Evan Guler from the Farm Service Agency arrived in their current careers. They’ll describe what their jobs involve and share stories and career advice they’ve learned along the way.

You can also listen to past Faces of Agriculture episodes featuring other USDA staff.

Community Outreach

USDA Liaisons serve as key USDA representatives in communities across America. They coordinate with American Indian and Alaskan Native Governments, state and federal partners, land-grant universities, Hispanic-Serving institutions, historically Black colleges and universities, and other strategic partners, connecting them with USDA programs and opportunities.

ESRI map legend

Click a location on the map above to find the USDA Liaison serving that area or check this USDA Liaison Directory (PDF, 1.0 MB) for a complete list.

These partnerships support capacity-building initiatives that bolster education and career opportunities for students and faculty through scholarships and fellowships designed to help develop a strong pipeline of talent and collaboration for USDA. Please see the program pages below for information on available opportunities.

Why should we care about agriculture?

The food we eat, the clothes we wear, and the fuel that powers our lives is produced with agriculture. The future of agriculture is reliant on the next generation of innovators, communicators, producers, educators and leaders.



More Opportunities for Youth

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